In November 2021, GE called on NessCampbell’s Boise Division to provide crane services for a wind turbine maintenance project in Idaho Falls.
The project’s unique challenges included meeting GE’s schedule, which called for project completion before Thanksgiving, alongside colder than normal temperatures in November. The chilly weather caused hazardous ground conditions with snow and ice.
NessCampbell provided crane services to GE to take down blades, rotors, and nacelles on four wind turbines in Idaho Falls, as well as the transportation of the Liebherr LR1300SX 330 Ton Crawler Crane from NessCampbell’s Portland yard. Our engineering team calculated win sail and capacity challenges, and crane crews worked long hours to meet GE’s critical schedule. Our experience with cold-weather projects helped us prepare crane surfaces.
NessCampbell was in the unique position of having available crane capacity at the right time, alongside wind turbine project experience.
Because of NessCampbell’s professional performance we were awarded two additional turbine projects while we were on the job.